Should You Get a Foundation Inspection Before Buying a Home?
[Updated November 2022]
Buying a new home, especially for the first time, is very exciting. But one of the biggest mistakes potential buyers make is not getting a foundation inspection before signing the papers on their dream home.
Because a home’s foundation is not visible, many buyers tend to overlook it during their preliminary inspections—out of sight, out of mind—and sellers may not even realize the home has foundation issues.
However, just because no problems were disclosed by the seller doesn’t mean they don’t exist. A foundation inspection is always a good idea, even for a newer home. Contacting a professional foundation inspector up front can end up saving you thousands in repairs over the long run. It can also help you decide whether to negotiate for a lower price on the home or walk away altogether.
We’ve also been asked many times whether a home inspection is the same as having a professional foundation inspector check the home. Unfortunately, it’s not. Our System Design Specialists are trained in certified in how to inspect a foundation, as well as, key signs to look for.
It is easy to get caught up in the idea of a new home and fail to see potential problems. Fortunately, there are a few telltale signs that the home you are interested in might have foundation issues. Simply by paying attention during a walkthrough, you can identify some of these signs and exercise caution in proceeding.
Signs & Symptoms
- Sloping floors
- Cracks in interior walls
- Doors and windows that do not shut properly
- Spaces between the walls and ceiling or walls and floor
- Cracks in interior floors
- Cracks in exterior bricks
While these may not represent serious foundation issues, they are cause for concern and should be investigated. A professional inspector can thoroughly assess the situation and make appropriate recommendations for foundation repairs. Then it is up to you whether or not to proceed with the purchase.
Have more questions? View our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you would like a foundation inspection before buying your new home, call our team at Baird Foundation Repair.
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